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Writer's pictureCassandra Craddock

What is Iluka Fitness..?

"Iluka" means 'near the ocean' in Indigenous Australian language... I discovered the name when I used to live on Philip Island working as a Surf Instructor with an outdoor activities company, and my boss' daughter was named Eluka, which they told me was after the town Iluka on the East Coast. I've always loved the ocean; when I was a young girl growing up in inland country Victoria I always dreamed of living by the beach. And when I left home, I did. And I have lived in coastal towns since then, up until recently, when I decided to move to the city of Melbourne and try my luck in the Big Smoke.

The ocean to me is a place of peace, rest, rejuvenation and finding myself. It also provides a lot of fun and recreation as I love to surf and go for runs along the beach. I don't cope well when I'm away from it and I know it has a huge effect on my emotional and mental health. Studies have shown that people living by the ocean report much lower levels of stress, and I know this is true for myself.

My vision for Iluka Fitness is to create a holistic ideal of fitness, with a focus on the role of nature in our wellbeing, of good wholesome nutrition, of having a physically active lifestyle and a healthy mind. For me, 'fitness' and 'health' can never just be about the physical aspect; and having experienced imbalance in areas of mental and emotional health I realise how important it is to have every aspect of health - physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual - otherwise you can never live life to the fullest. For me, being by the ocean and in nature is a vital aspect of my wellbeing; and I know that I need to spend time in and around it to feel whole and content. It has been challenging for me to live in the city this past year; but I am learning a lot about myself and what I want to achieve with my life, and this enterprise that is Iluka Fitness.

After entering my first physique competition earlier this year; I've realised a newfound passion for this sport that is larger than what I would have expected or what others perceive of it. I feel that I am doing this for a larger cause than myself; to inspire and motivate others to become the best version of themselves; and also to prove that great physiques can be achieved on a natural, wholefoods, plant-based diet.

Competing was never something that I saw myself doing long-term, but the ripple effect that was created after winning my first comp has made me realise how much of an impact I can have on others. I'm passionate about helping others to become the best version of themselves, without being superficial, but to be proud and confident of who they are and to know their purpose in life so that they can better serve others. I hope that you also, will find that purpose and drive to reach your goals as I have been experiencing of late. Feel free to check out my website to see if anything I offer can be of service to you, and I'd appreciate any shares or likes or follows on my social media too :) Blessings, may you become the Best Version of You... :)

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